Research projects and groups
- 2021-2023: Endringer i nyere teknologibaserte musikkpraksiser (Changes to newer technology-based musical practices), with Jøran Rudi. Part of “Skapende praksiser i musikk” funded by the Arts Council of Norway.
- 2022: Spatiality in the audiovisual, network on practice-based research, Sound-Image Research Group, University of Greenwich.
- 2019-2020: Reconfiguring the landscape, Norwegian Academy of Music, project leader: Natasha Barrett.
- 2018-2020: Musikk i det interaktive rom, Norwegian Academy of Music, project leader: Johannes Lunde Hatfield.
- 2018-2021: Nordic SMC, Nordic research network in Sound and Music Computing.
- 2016-2021: fourMs, research group at the Department of Musicology.
Journal articles
Holbrook, U. A. (2019). Sound objects and spatial morphologies. Organised Sound, 24(1), 20-29. pdf
Conference proceedings
- Holbrook, U. A., & Rudi, J. (2022). Computer music and post-acousmatic practices. In International Computer Music Conference 2022: Standing Wave (pp. 140-144). International Computer Music Association. pdf
Holbrook, U. A. (2018). An Approach to Stochastic Spatialisation: A Case of Hot Pocket. In Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (pp. 31-32). Virginia Tech. pdf
Books and chapters
- Holbrook, U. A. (2024). Sonic Design and Spatial Features. In International Seminar on Sonic Design (pp. 175-191), Jensenius, A. R. (ed.). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland. pdf
- Holbrook, U. A. (2024) Klang. In A Sound Word Almanac (pp. 33-35), Herzogenrath, B. (ed.), Bloomsbury Academic.
- Holbrook, U. A. (2022) Kunst og kultur for barn og unge: Betydningen av Den Kulturelle Skolesekken i lys av internasjonal forskning, Kulturtanken. pdf
- Holbrook, U. A. (2022). Objects and Structures: Aesthetical inquiry and artistic experimentation into the relationships between sound objects and spatial audio. PhD thesis. pdf
- Holbrook, U. A. (2019). A question of backgrounds: Sites of listening. In Music Beyond Airports: Appraising Ambient Music (pp. 51-66), Atkins, M., Cummings, S. (eds.). Huddersfield, United Kingdom: University of Huddersfield Press. pdf
Conference presentations:
- 2023: “Remote swampy practices”, with Lara Weaver and Ross Davidson, Sound-Image 2023 Festival.
- 2023: “Unravelling”, with Ximena Alarcon, Sound-Image 2023 Festival.
- 2022: “The expanding fields, practices and histories of technology-based music,” Rethinking the history of technology-based music, University of Huddersfield.
- 2022: “Ambiences as information in higher order ambisonics”, International Association for the Study of Popular Music (IASPM XXI 2022), Daegu, Korea.
- 2021: “Yes, but is it site-specific?”, Electroacoustic Music Studies 21 (EMS21), DeMontfort University, Leicester, UK, November.
- 2019: “Distances and proximities in acousmatic spatiality”, with Emil Kraugerud, Music and spatiality, 13th Bien- nial International Conference on Music Theory and Analysis, University of the Arts, Belgrade.
- 2018: “The Map(ping) as a morphological experiment”, Electroacoustic Music Studies (EMS2018), Villa Finali, Florence, 20-23 June.
- 2018: “A question of backgrounds”, Ambient@40 symposium, University of Huddersfield, 23-24 February.
- 2018: “Textures of performances in spatial composition”, Performance Studies Network Conference, NMH, Oslo, 5-8 July.
- 2017: “Methods and techniques for stochastic spatialisation”, Musikkteknologidagene, Norges Musikkhøyskole.
- 2014: “Aesthetic and Philosophical Considerations in Algorithmic Composition using Artificial Neural Networks”, UL-NUIG 4th Postgraduate Research Conference, University of Limerick.
- 2014: “Invocation of the Equivocation: Towards an Understanding of Noise”, Audio Fabric: Socio-Sonic Textures in the Real World, The Fourth Annual Irish Sound, Science and Technology Convocation (paper/presentation).