
Territories was a project I initiated with NyMusikks Komponistgruppe (NMK) in 2021, bringing together composers, visual artists, architects and scientists to develop a series of project around the central theme of “the territory.” Originally conceived as being a 2-year-long project, to allow artists to develop their projects, it ended up extending to 2024.

A call was sent to members of NMK and they were challenged to form collaborations with artists from other disciplines then where they have their own practice. The project resulted in two public seminars in Oslo, and exhibition at Lydgalleriet in Bergen in November 2022. There was a public seminar during the opening weekend at Lydgalleriet.

The participating artists were: Martin Taxt & Eirik Blekesaune, Tine Surel Lange & Emma Gunnarsson, Else Storesund & Solveig Sørhein & Cecile Andresson, Kristian Skårbrevik and others & Mike McCormick & Kira Hall, Mathieu Lacroix & OScra Debs, Ulf A. S. Holbrook & Karen Mair.

Curator and project leader: Ulf A. S. Holbrook

Project leader: Anna Aardalen

Seminar moderator: Bjørnar Habbestad

Territories was funded by Norsk Kulturfond (Kulturrådet) and Bergen kommune